When am I "allowed" to quit and not be labeled a quitter?
There comes a point at which continuing with your startup is just falling prey to the sunk cost fallacy. That point is about 4 years in. (630)
There comes a point at which continuing with your startup is just falling prey to the sunk cost fallacy. That point is about 4 years in. (630)
Accurately gauging and mitigating risk is tough work. (620)
Several industries have grown beyond what the regular market can support and will have key players consolidate. (113)
Thinking through working remotely to be able to facilitate it better in future. (2445)
A while back, Rahul Thathoo, Engineering Lead at Square, posted an article saying that most top performers had the most commits and pull requests.. Interestingly, that doesn’t a... (903)
Startup founders tend to be an eccentric bunch. It’s almost a pre-requisite for a founder to be a bit delusional about their chances of success — even though most companies fail... (104)
Tech teams of smaller organizations, that are not startups, are often missing a difficult to perceive but very valuable skill: knowing what’s possible. That covers two similar c... (397)
That is going to be one of the key interview questions for a long while after the Coronavirus settles down. It’s very specific and generalized statements wont cut it. ... (504)
So, it’s quite well known tha ta while ago UPS reduced the need for their trucks to turn left since turning right means not having to stop at traffic lights. This change saved t... (222)
I forget where or how I got this idea but I think an intersting interview question might be “What kind of bonus do you prefer? Fixed or as rewards for specific things you do?”I’... (584)