Ognjen Regoje bio photo

Ognjen Regoje
But you can call me Oggy

I make things that run on the web (mostly).
More ABOUT me and my PROJECTS.

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The Marketplace Guide
A collection of lessons for the early stages of building a marketplace startup.



Custom-tailored TODO app

In numbers

Items tracked In development Yearly Cost
~10k ~1 year on and off ~$13


Ooradee is a TODO app that I built to replicate the system I had on paper. It's key feature is different time horizons allowing me to schedule todos on specific dates but also for weeks and months in general. It also has a specialized interface for review helping me track progress on things I'm working on.


It's a PWA on Rails 6 with webpacker and Vue. It's installable on desktop and mobile. It can send notifications to Chrome. It runs ActionCable for background updates.


In progress. It's my testbed for new tech and I've learnt a lot about design from it.

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Supplies ordering platform for HORECA

In numbers

Buyers Suppliers Monthly GMV Cloud cost
12k 350 6 figures $150


Original version was built over approximately two weeks to include supplier onboarding and product search. It's continuously been improved upon for the past ~4 years to include a very wide range of features comparable to any ecommerce platform.


Rails with nginx and MySQL. Sidekiq runs the queue, redis is for caching, elasticsearch for search. Front-end was originally Backbone.js but has been migrated to Vue. Stats run off MongoDB.

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