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Ognjen Regoje
But you can call me Oggy

I make things that run on the web (mostly).
More ABOUT me and my PROJECTS.

me@ognjen.io LinkedIn
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The Marketplace Guide
A collection of lessons for the early stages of building a marketplace startup.



Reason #46634 for HTTPS

So that telcos wont inject ads and make money from your pages. I don’t even understand how is this legal. (29)

How to set up Tizen Studio in Ubuntu 17.04

Recently I discovered the SDK for Samsung Gear S3 that runs Samsung’s Tizen OS and wanted to take a look, partly because it supports writing applications in JavaScript and HTML.... (403)

Building human readable link building in Rails

A while ago I needed to improve the canonical links for some of our pages, specifically because we added more search parameters etc. so I made use of routes file to create some ... (445)

One line deployment for Jekyll sites

A great way to deploy a Jekyll site using just rsync. First, build (jekyll b) the site locally and then rsync the _site folder:rsync -av -e 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_passwordless_rsa' -... (171)

Filling a number field in cucumber tests

In order to upload a file in a cucumber test, that is to use a file select input, define the following in your user_steps.rb: Then(/^I fill in number field "(.*?)" with "(.*?)"... (75)

Uploading a file in cucumber tests

In order to upload a file in a cucumber test, that is to use a file select input, define the following in your user_steps.rb: And(/^I attach "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/) do |field, fi... (67)


Consistent display of dates in Rails

In order to consistently display dates in a Rails application the strftime format can be set globally.#config/initializers/time_formats.rbDate::DATE_FORMATS[:default] = "%d/%m/%... (59)


Very quickly adding swap to Ubuntu 14.04

Following is the quickest way to add swap space to Ubuntu 14.04 installation. I amwriting the post because I keep having to look this up and given the convenience andprice of Di... (164)